Illustration of a chatbot interface with various technical elements and annotations.

Divi Get Rid of Search Bar in Sidebar: Simple Guide

If you’re using the Divi theme and looking to remove the search bar from your sidebar, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide “Divi Get Rid of Search Bar in Sidebar”, we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step. Plus, we’ll introduce you to MxChat, a free, customizable AI chatbot for WordPress that can further enhance your site’s user engagement.

Why Remove the Search Bar in Divi?

While the search bar can be useful, it might not always align with your site’s design or functionality needs. Removing it can streamline the user experience and focus attention on more important elements of your site.

How to Guide – Divi Get Rid of Search Bar in Sidebar

Step 1: Access the WordPress Dashboard

First, log in to your WordPress admin dashboard. This is where you’ll make the necessary changes to your Divi theme.

Step 2: Navigate to the Widget Settings

In the WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Widgets. This area controls the widgets displayed in your sidebar.

Step 3: Identify the Search Widget

Look for the Search widget in the Sidebar section. It might be labeled simply as “Search” or may have a more descriptive name.

Step 4: Remove the Search Widget

Click on the Search widget to expand it, then click on the Delete button. This will remove the search bar from your sidebar.

Step 5: Save Your Changes

Ensure you save your changes by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the widget area. Now, your sidebar should be free of the search bar.

Enhance Your WordPress Site with MxChat

Now that you’ve successfully removed the search bar, consider adding a feature that can significantly boost user engagement on your site: MxChat. MxChat is a versatile AI chatbot designed to seamlessly integrate with your WordPress site.

Why Choose MxChat?

  • No Monthly Fee: MxChat Basic is completely free and requires no subscription fees.
  • Customizable: Even with the free version, you get customizable theme options to align the chatbot with your site’s design.
  • Extensive Knowledge Database: Provide accurate and comprehensive answers to user queries.
Ready to take your WordPress site to the next level? Sign up for the free MxChat Basic today and experience the benefits of an AI chatbot without any hidden costs. For more advanced features, explore our MxChat Pro version. Visit MxChat for more details and to choose the plan that best fits your needs.

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