Illustration of a futuristic computer interface displaying a humanoid robot and a spherical robotic assistant on the screen, with a stylish desktop setup featuring a keyboard and mouse.

Divi Child Theme Setup & MxChat AI Integration Guide

If you’re planning to enhance your WordPress site with a child theme based on Divi, this guide is perfectly tailored for you. We will walk you through the setup process step-by-step and show you how to elevate your user interaction with MxChat, an AI chatbot plugin that integrates seamlessly with WordPress themes.

Understanding Divi Child Themes

A child theme in Divi inherits the functionality and styling of its parent theme, Divi. Creating one allows you to modify or add new functionalities without altering the original theme. This ensures that your customizations are preserved during theme updates, making maintenance straightforward and hassle-free.

How to Set Up Your Child Theme

Create a New Directory for the Child Theme

To begin, create a new directory in your WordPress themes folder. This directory will house all your child theme files, keeping them organized and separate from the Divi parent theme.

Create a Stylesheet

Your child theme needs its own stylesheet, named style.css. This file should include CSS rules specific to your theme and import styles from Divi. Start by adding the following CSS snippet at the top of your file:

Theme Name: My Divi Child 
Template: Divi 
@import url('../Divi/style.css');

Create a Functions.php File

The functions.php file in your child theme allows you to add or modify PHP functions. This file is crucial for extending the functionality without altering the parent theme’s core files.

Enhance Your Website with MxChat

After setting up your child theme, elevate the user experience by integrating MxChat, an innovative AI chatbot plugin for WordPress. MxChat is designed to engage your site visitors, answer their queries, and streamline communication, making your website more user-friendly and interactive.

Why Choose MxChat for Your Website?

MxChat offers three different options tailored to meet various needs and budgets; MxChat Basic, MxChat Pro, and MxChat Pro + Setup and Alignment. The basic version is free and includes essential features like a large knowledge database and limited theme customization options. The Pro version, priced at $99.97, extends these capabilities with advanced features such as chat transcript review, full theme customization, and a variety of AI model selections.

For comprehensive support and custom setup, the MxChat Pro + Setup and Alignment is your go-to choice. Priced at $199.97, it includes all Pro features plus 1-year support, all future upgrades, installation, and basic setup, along with exclusive access to beta features.

Setting Up MxChat with Your Website

Integrating MxChat with your website is straightforward. Simply choose your preferred version of MxChat, and enter your OpenAI API key in the admin dashboard. This flexible payment model lets you manage your expenses based on the actual usage of your chatbot, offering a cost-effective solution for your site.

Get MxChat Now

Are you ready to enhance your website with MxChat? Click here to select the MxChat version that best fits your needs and start engaging your site visitors more effectively today.


Setting up a child theme for your WordPress site can significantly enhance your site’s functionality and aesthetics. By integrating it with MxChat, you provide your visitors with an engaging, interactive experience that can help boost user engagement and increase conversions.

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